El Guapo


Guapie, Guaps, Sir Guaps-a-lot, Fatty Boom-battie, Fatty Booms, Stinky, Big Lump. I think everyone had a nickname for you, because everyone loved El Guapo.

How did he get his name? It’s a story I love to tell.

Our baby Norman really needed a companion and I was determined to find the perfect match. After many disappointing adoption attempts, I thought maybe it wasn’t meant to be. On my way out of the Humane Society something compelled me to check the “adult cat room” on my way out. At the end of a narrow corridor of cages I saw this scrawny, little, crusty, white cat. One of the volunteers told me, “This is Hugo, one of the sweetest cats around.” After snuggling him for a bit and hearing more stories about how well behaved he is with other cats and children, I ask why he’s been left for so long. “Because everyone says he’s too ugly,” is what she told me.

Well F that, I demanded the paperwork immediately. Much to Dave’s surprise I came home with not a kitten, but this boney little guy we blessed with the name El Guapo, the handsome one.

The day we brought you home...


My matchmaking skills were spot-on. Norman and Guapo became immediate best friends. Well, more than that, really if you saw them. They were brothers, a true bonded pair.


This was all part of Guapo’s extreme charm. He made you love him.

Even as he ballooned up to some pretty fatty proportions, he had this way of sneaking up into your lap, thrusting his butt into your face and demanding a good long snuggle.


And your unforgettable toothless "smile."


And you were an amazing "big brudder," as Lucy called you.


There is no denying Guapo you were pure love. You loved to be loved, you loved to give love.


When Norman got sick you were with him until the end. I know that the reunion you two had at the rainbow bridge was a site to be seen. More snuggles and purrs than all the colors in that rainbow could handle.


We love you so much Pappa. Rest in peace, and please give Norman a kiss for me.


2015: Week 1

Happy 2015 everyone! We rang in the new year at a close friend's house, having a countdown with the kids at 8PM to allow them to celebrate. There were poppers and sparklers and we pretended to not notice Lucy sneaking a quick kiss with a friend.


I love new beginnings and opportunities to collectively take accountability. I have many visions for how I hope this year shapes up, because man, 2014, you were rough around the edges.

There were challenges, but I walked away with many things to be proud of and happy memories.

I became an aunt again! Baby Logan joined us in June. I can't wait to meet him in person, he's such a babe.


My BFF got married!


AND my brother-in-law got married!!


On the creative front, this year's August Break photo-a-day project facilitated by Susannah Conway was something I really cherished. Not only did I complete the challenge, I pushed myself to try new design and photographic techniques. The end result were some of the best photos I think I published this year.


On the personal front, I am most proud of the work I did to help raise funds and awareness for pediatric cancer. I am so grateful for those who could donate and am so happy to continue to be active with Unravel Pediatric Cancer. Lucy and I are working on a new fundraising campaign to go along with the she.is.beautiful race we will be participating together in March. I love sharing this with her. She's been listening and learning. The other day I got my Unravel bumper sticker and she watched me put it on the car. She said, "I hope a doctor will see this." I do, too.


2015, let's do this.

My word for 2015 is YES. I want to turn "no" into "yes" and make things happen for myself. I hope you will stick with me and encourage me along the way!






Norman, when we first met you it was peak kitten season at the Humane Society. There were TONS of kittens and I was writing down the numbers of all the ones I wanted to hold and “test out” on a piece of paper. Suddenly one of the friends we were with said, “Oh my God, Becky. Look at this kitten.” In a sea of cute you somehow managed to out-cute them all. You were the most darling ball of orange fluff I’ve ever seen. I tossed that scrap of paper faster than you can blink and stood in front of the cage, blocking anyone else from seeing you. You were mine. 2014-08-04 16.30.59

We originally brought you home because our angel Charlie was acting up, and we thought maybe she would like a kitten. Ha! She didn’t take very kindly to you, but that didn’t stop you from sneaking up when she was sleeping to try and get a cuddle. After she left us too soon, we thought maybe you needed a friend, and that is when the love affair of a lifetime began.

You were still just under a year old when, to everyone’s surprise I walked in with this bony, crusty, adult cat we lovingly named El Guapo. At the Humane Society they had educated me about how to slowly introduce you two over the course of a few weeks. Again, ha! The suspense was killing me, so I introduced you two right away. You hissed for the first time in your life, Guapo blinked and the rest is a story of endless snuggles, licks and adorable antics.






You were also the first cat we introduced to Lucy. We knew you were gentle and kind and would want to meet the new creature in the house. Since birth Lucy has been surrounded by fur and snuggles--so many of them with you.












A few weeks ago we noticed your eyes were irritated. That led to a cancer diagnosis. As a baby when we first brought you home you were very sick. We nicknamed you “Ducky” because you kept sneezing and it sounded like you were quacking. We came full circle, trying to coax you with chicken broth, baby food and eggs in the end, just like the beginning. We resolved to make your last days as comfortable as possible and took comfort in the fact that we could help you avoid pain.

Lucy and I went and picked out a bed for you, big enough, of course, for Guapo to get in as well for a snuggle.


I think he knew. That day as I waited by the phone for your diagnosis he sat in my lap for hours. And on those low days he was always by your side, a bonded pair for life.

2014-10-10 17.22.11

2014-10-10 17.21.57

2014-10-04 08.18.02




On the last day we knew something was different. You came upstairs again and even jumped on the bed, even though you hadn’t eaten in over a week. By late afternoon your body was telling us it was time to go. I’m glad you spent so many hours sleeping on your Daddy’s lap that day. After checking my camera the next day, I realized you also went upstairs and visited Lucy's bedroom and snuggled in her bed. I think you knew it was your last night with us.



You made it exactly two weeks. Thank you for giving us that. I spent many hours brushing your fur. I knew you would want your mane to look nice when you left. Lucy read you books and sang you songs. Guapo licked your head and hogged the bed.

I was with you and Dr. Johnson as you drew your last breaths. Stroking your beautiful fur, telling you what a good boy you are, looking into your eyes. It was peaceful, and yes, your looked pretty





Afterwards we bought two balloons, one white and one orange. A white one for my parent’s dog Jack who recently passed and an orange one for you. We let Lucy release them and disappear into the clouds as we heard out neighbor’s son practice his violin. He was playing "Pure Imagination," from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

You brought so much quiet, gentle joy to our lives. Thank you for 11 fluffy years of love. We will forever miss you.

There is no

Life I know

To compare with

Pure imagination

Living there

You'll be free

If you truly wish to be


xo Mommy

Last September

Last September I wasn't fundraising for Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. That's because last September I had never known anyone impacted by it.

Last September I would have scrolled past this post.

Last September my friend Libby had four beautiful children.

Last September her eldest daughter Jennifer's biggest worry was likely what costume to choose for Halloween.

Last September Jennifer did not know the word "tumor."

By next September 13,500 more children in the US will have been diagnosed with Cancer.

And the truth it could be the child of someone I know. Or the unspeakable.

Next September a whole new army of parents and shocked on-lookers like myself will take to Facebook asking for your donations.

Because the truth remains it could happen to anyone.

And the truth remains that a cure can only be found with funding.

Funding for Pediatric Cancer Research comes almost entirely from grassroots organizations created by families whose children have been impacted by Cancer.

I support Unravel Pediatric Cancer as their mission is to cure the most complicated Cancers, Pediatric Cancers, so that all of Cancer might unravel.

Please, be brave and click the link to my fundraising page. http://flittering.causevox.com/becky-parker

xo Becky




What the August Break Means to Me

I first became aware of Susannah Conway through my friend Tracy. She thought I might really enjoy one of her photography e-courses. I did, and ended up taking almost all of her courses! “Taking her courses” isn’t even a really good way to describe it. It’s more like participating in one of her creative gatherings. Through them I was able to connect with a whole network of artists, writers and photographers online for which I am eternally grateful. The August Break 2013, Day 10: Red


A few years back Susannah wrote about The August Break which was simply a time for bloggers to take a time out from their schedules and have a collective reset. The following year when she wrote about it again she added the fun component of a photo-a-day challenge, a way to keep creativity going. I wasn't really a blogger, but I sure do love a photo-a-day challenge!

The August Break 2013, Day 17: Touch (photo taken by Lucy)


For me the August Break is a way to reawaken my creativity. I love waking up with a mission, especially a collective one. I love knowing that all these people are walking around trying to find the same thing, and yet at the end of the day we all end up with something unique.

The August Break 2013, Day 6: Diagonals (I miss those shoes!)


I hope some of you will join me and everyone else taking part! I hope you will also take some time to get to know the lovely Susannah. Her blog is a beautiful place. Here’s the list of daily prompts:

I'll be posting my pics here and on Instagram @beckycat1






saturday: a photo an hour

7 AM Snuggles with Spencer.

8 AM

Making breakfast.

9 AM

Grocery list making.

10 AM

Coffee with my boo.

11 AM

Grocery shopping.

12 PM

Heirloom tomatoes, basil, mozzarella and balsamic glaze. OMG.

1 PM

Packing up some of Lucy's old clothes for Lila.

2 PM

Organizing Lucy's hair accessory drawer. (Can you tell she's been napping during these last two photos ?)

3 PM

Playing dress up in a new tutu for dance class.

4 PM


5 PM

Adding the final ingredients to the slow cooker.

6 PM

Dinner! White bean soup with andouille and kale.

7 PM

Watching Toy Story with Unkie and El Guapo.

8 PM

Bedtime for Lulu.

9 PM

My turn to snuggle a cat.

10 PM

Nail painting.

I went to bed soon after this. An"early" Saturday night. Another fun day with some of my favorite people and animals. Hurray for Saturdays!!

last sunday - a photo an hour - just because

8AMDaddy was staying at a friend's house, so when Lulu woke up we had mama/daughter snuggles in bed. I love this morning ritual SO much.


Breakfast, coffee and shopping list making time.

10AM Target! Lucy is going through a phase where she doesn't want to sit in the cart anymore, which is further complicated by her current phase of wanting to hide in the clothing racks and jump out and yell "booya!" at other shoppers. I bribed her with a cake pop from the Starbucks that's inside the store to sit in the cart. A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do sometimes.

11AM Out for a walk to the park we ran into one of out cats, El Guapo, aka Pappa, aka Fatty Booms, aka Sir Guaps-a-lot.

12PM Winding down before nap time, playing trains with Daddy. We got some new pieces from Ikea the day before so it was a pretty exciting moment.

1PM Decorating. We also got a new shoe storage solution from Ikea (blog post soon) so I of course had to redesign the art on the wall.

2PM Prepping dinner in the slow cooker. What an awesome invention...

3PM Iced coffee time! I recently began drinking coffee again. My friend told me, "it's a slippery slope." So true, but damn, it's just so good.

4PM MORE decorating. Framing some art with frames we got at Ikea. If you need cheap frames, it's the place to go. We got 7 big ones for less than 30 bucks.

5PM High priority work - doing my nails for the upcoming week. These are Sally Hansen Salon Effects (Hiss-terical design) which are so great. No dry time and they last for about 2 weeks with no chipping.

6PM Returning from another walk. The doorstep is the only reliable place I can get Lucy to pose for pictures. Getting her to smile is another story.

7PM Din din time! I made buffalo chicken lettuce wraps. REALLY good.

8PM Bedtime ritual: bath, brush teeth, vitamins, brush hair and 2 books.

9PM Working on a future blog post, practicing my graphic designing.

10PM Turning in early, reading Gone Girl on my iPad.

'Twas a good day!

xo Becky

six years ago today

Six years ago today Dave and I got married! If you ask most people about that day they will remember this - it was 105 degrees!

Photography and images hold a very special place in my heart for so many reasons. On this day in particular because I can look back and see exactly what I remember...

For starters the setting was AMAZING. We were married at Hakone Gardens in Saratoga, California which is gorgeous. If you saw the movie Memoirs of a Geisha you might recognize this scene which was filmed there...

Dave and I spent many of our first dates visiting the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco, so these gardens had a very special meaning to us.

My dress was simple, white with chevron detailing, a low back with ribbons trailing in the back...

And I rocked a serious side ponytail...

This is one of my favorite pictures from that day. Dave and I on the bridge after the ceremony, and one of our flower girls Alyssa, caught off to the side photographing us...

Every time I look back at our wedding photos they retell the story over again for me...

Eudora Welty said "A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away."

These moments for me will never run away...

A beautiful day, filled with beautiful people in a beautiful place.

Happy sixth anniversary Dave.

xo Becky

...Most photos in this post by Tess Marie Photography...

lucy turned 2!!!

Last week Lucy turned two years old! It's crazy town to think about all of the huge milestones and events that we witnessed this year:

Your first converse, developing your wacky sense of humor, cultivating your appreciation of music, being naughty (on purpose!), going trick-or-treating...

Going down the slide on your own, appreciating rock, drinking your first beer (just kidding! - this was homemade root beer at you first Oktoberfest!), becoming an artist and your first trip to the beach.

I can't believe this was you one year ago:

Now you are a spunky little toddler who can dance, play with bubbles, tease your cats, bang the drums, watch Puss in Boots, run around, swing too high, search for ants, play pretend, sing along to almost anything and say I LOVE YOU.

I love you, too my Lulu Bean. You are my heart and my joy.

xo Mama

Stay tuned for pics and tips for a 2-year old birthday party!

snap happy

The past two weeks I have been emerged in Susannah Conway's ecourse, Ways of Seeing Myself. It's got me thinking all sorts of wonderful, creative thoughts and feeling so much joy. I'm realizing that our photographs say so much more about ourselves than just where we've been and who we've spent our time with. Our images share a piece of what we were feeling at a specific moment in time.

What watching the rain on a warm night from the porch feels like...

What discovering art feels like...

What being with friends feels like...

What being amazed by nature feels like...

What being amazing with what humans can do with nature feels like...

What a hug feels like...

What love feels like...

So thank you for taking random pictures of your cat, your lunch, you fingernails and the clouds. Thank you for posting and sharing a piece of who you are.

Follow me on Instagram, FlickrFacebook and Twitter and I'll follow you back!

xo Becky


Last week on The Joy the Baker Podcast Tracy and Joy posed a challenge to their listeners - share five of your current obsessions with the world. So, here you go: 1. Nails Inc. Special Effects: At first I thought it was a ploy. What's so special about it? Looks like glitter polish to me. But, oh no! It really is special. This polish illuminates really well against all colors and picks up the light in amazing ways. I have received numerous compliments especially under low lights (most frequently by waitresses). It's really worth it, I swear.

2. The Joy the Baker Podcast: This show has been on for close to one year and it makes me look forward to Thursdays. I love to settle in to a lame task at work, slip on my headphones and escape into the world of unimportant girl talk. Every episode has me laughing and wishing the show was live because I've had way too many "oh, tell me about it!" moments where I wish I could call in. These blazin' ladies also serve up a big chunk of creative inspiration that keeps me going. Listen, you won't be sorry.

3. Instagram: Instagram is a super fun social networking tool that focuses on sharing photos. I love getting glimpses into people's every day lives and sharing a bit of my own. There's something very intimate about this uncomplicated way of communicating that has me smitten.

4. Chevron stripes: It all started on my birthday when I got some storage containers from Target. And then I bought more, and more. And then I got some dish towels, and then I saw this headboard, and oh... This pattern just makes me HAPPY.

5. Up All Night: My favorite new show of the year staring Christina Applegate, Will Arnett and Maya Rudolf. Not only do I love seeing a working mom on TV who actually works, it's hilarious. Also, I'm pretty sure if these characters were real they would all be my best friends.

This challenge was HARD! I had way more things I could have listed, but managed to wrangle myself in. Good job, me.

xo Becky

thirty five

Thirty five things to try and do before I turn 36 (AK!):

  1. Take a class with Lulu
  2. Hang curtains in dining room (that have been in the closet since before Lulu was born)
  3. Redecorate (or actually DECORATE) bedroom
  4. Take more breaks at work
  5. Eat dinner at the table more
  6. Cook one new thing a month
  7. Execute a chore schedule
  8. Learn (again) how to sew and make some pillows
  9. Learn some makeup techniques
  10. Get shellac (it looks rad!)
  11. Get a facial (I've never had one!)
  12. Get a massage (notice a pattern?)
  13. Take Lulu to the beach
  14. MORE girls nights
  15. MORE date nights
  16. Finish garden
  17. Find a blogging community to belong to
  18. Organize my photos
  19. Create an original piece of art to hang in my home
  20. Open my Etsy store
  21. Take better care of my skin
  22. Take an art class
  23. Start doing yoga again
  24. Clean out the garage
  25. Hang more artwork throughout the apartment
  26. Go on a vacation!
  27. Take a day off for no reason at all
  28. Spend more than $30 on a pair of shoes
  29. Make another photo book
  30. Fit into my favorite pants
  31. Take a picture of myself that I like
  32. Learn to make resin jewelry
  33. Host a dinner party
  34. Pickle something
  35. Get another tattoo (oh yeah)

Here's to another awesome year!