
We learned yesterday that Spencer was hit by a car. He lived his life hard, and left scars to prove it - but at his core was a softy who was a sucker for belly rubs and hugs. My dedication to my Spencerino...

Dave found you outside his school one day, a kitten abandoned by your mom. We joked later it was probably because you bit her so much. 

You were always the rebel of the Three Amigos, doing things your own way.

But, it's amazing how babies can turn even the grumpiest of cats back into kittens. Spencer, the cat who adults were afraid to touch - you were a sucker for Lucy from the start.

How many times did I walk in on you letting her dress you up?!

You lived part-time in the bushes and at one time had a whole other family we didn't know about! But I know that you loved us, as evidenced by all the hugs you pretended to "endure."

I love to remember your soft side. Like when Lucy loved to play "Pretty Pretty," a game comprised of her decorating you with flowers.


But, our legacy of you will be as our tough, burly, spicy, buddy-boy.

We love you Spencer. Your now free to roam with your brothers.