lucy turned 2!!!

Last week Lucy turned two years old! It's crazy town to think about all of the huge milestones and events that we witnessed this year:

Your first converse, developing your wacky sense of humor, cultivating your appreciation of music, being naughty (on purpose!), going trick-or-treating...

Going down the slide on your own, appreciating rock, drinking your first beer (just kidding! - this was homemade root beer at you first Oktoberfest!), becoming an artist and your first trip to the beach.

I can't believe this was you one year ago:

Now you are a spunky little toddler who can dance, play with bubbles, tease your cats, bang the drums, watch Puss in Boots, run around, swing too high, search for ants, play pretend, sing along to almost anything and say I LOVE YOU.

I love you, too my Lulu Bean. You are my heart and my joy.

xo Mama

Stay tuned for pics and tips for a 2-year old birthday party!