
We learned yesterday that Spencer was hit by a car. He lived his life hard, and left scars to prove it - but at his core was a softy who was a sucker for belly rubs and hugs. My dedication to my Spencerino...

Dave found you outside his school one day, a kitten abandoned by your mom. We joked later it was probably because you bit her so much. 

You were always the rebel of the Three Amigos, doing things your own way.

But, it's amazing how babies can turn even the grumpiest of cats back into kittens. Spencer, the cat who adults were afraid to touch - you were a sucker for Lucy from the start.

How many times did I walk in on you letting her dress you up?!

You lived part-time in the bushes and at one time had a whole other family we didn't know about! But I know that you loved us, as evidenced by all the hugs you pretended to "endure."

I love to remember your soft side. Like when Lucy loved to play "Pretty Pretty," a game comprised of her decorating you with flowers.


But, our legacy of you will be as our tough, burly, spicy, buddy-boy.

We love you Spencer. Your now free to roam with your brothers.

Hack Day 2016

It's been a while since I've posted. Last time was just before I landed my dream job...


It's been a roller coaster of challenges, rewards and pushing myself beyond what I ever imagined for myself.

I had the opportunity yesterday to participate in Hack Day, an bi-annual event where we have 24 hours to come up with cool ideas. They can be actual product ideas, like a new way to discover and enjoy content, or just for fun, like designing a way to use you iWatch to catch Pokemon (that was a real hack idea!).

I joined the hack team that is creating a documentary about Hack Day, and submitting it as a hack. Very meta.

I served as set photographer and the results are pretty cool, so I thought I would share.

Thanks for looking and welcome back to my blog!




Summer Continues

Summer continues, and we are finally on more of a regular "schedule." After the craziness of the end-of-the-year events, school, dance recitals and birthday parties, we are finally settling into summer. Lucy has started her Summer Pre-K program and Dave is leading a sports camp.

For me I've been resisting creating a schedule for myself, not wanting to fully accept this as a new normal. And that's hard for me, as I feel far more comfortable when there's a routine and a clear path ahead. 

I'm grateful for the things I can enjoy, however. And capturing them in pictures continues in the 100 Days of Summer project. Here's a few from the past week:

Lucy picking flowers at Pop Pop's house.

Picking flowers at the park.

Chillin' out in Toys r' Us. Seriously, who buys a $400 car for their kids?


Taking a break outside of Fairyland in Oakland.

These are blooming all over our neighborhood right now and they look so pretty on my walks in the golden, morning sunlight.

It's been HOT here. The other day it was 102 degrees!

New Vans from Uncle Nick <3

Lucy has been asked to be featured on the website for Unravel Pediatric Cancer as a Kidvocate - kids who are helping to raise awareness and funds for Pediatric Cancer. We took some pictures the other day and I'm going to write a post soon on what we have planned for Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. One of the things I have been VERY grateful for during my time off from work id Unravel. I have been donating my time doing graphic design and document layout for the team. It's been so nice to work with such kind and dedicated people. 

We are all enjoying these lazy summer mornings...

We also made a summer bucket list and I wanted to share it with you! We have already checked a few items off the list...

  • Go on a picnic (DONE!)
  • Go to an outdoor concert
  • See a movie in the park
  • Travel to a town far away
  • Go to the beach
  • Go to the Farmer's Market
  • Go swimming at Pop Pop's house
  • Go to Seven Seas Park
  • Go to Magical Bridge Park (DONE!)
  • Visit Jayda and Taegon
  • Visit GG and Bobo Bob
  • Find a restaurant Lucy can play in (The Forest on First closed, a restaurant that had a jungle gym inside. Lucy is VERY sad, so we want to find something cool like that.)
  • Go bowling
  • Visit a garen
  • Go to a baseball game
  • Pajama Day
  • Have breakfast for dinner
  • Make popsicles
  • Unplug for a day (When I explained this one to Lucy she said, "It sounds like the worst day of summer." Ha!)
  • Visit a museum

xo Becky

Happy Birthday Miss Lucy-Loo!

Five years-old, woah! I can't believe my sweet girl is so big!

We celebrated last week with close family and friends and had a pool party at my parent's house. Lucy chose the theme, "You Are My Sunshine." 

We had a piñata and played "Pin the Stuff on Lucy" (your idea).

We also had a treasure hunt that lead to a big box of candy to make necklaces out of.


And last, but not least, cake! (For the record, Lucy says she always wishes for the same thing - 100 cats.)

We are so proud of you, Lucy. You just graduated Preschool and are onto Kindergarten next year! All your teachers said you are so bright and caring and they are so excited for your new adventures. 

We got to see you in the "Bubble Ceremony" as you made a wish about your future to come. (100 cats?)


Happy birthday, my sweet baby. Your beautiful heart shines through you for all the world to see. We love you.


xo Mommy

100 Days of Summer

My sister, Francesca is hosting a "100 Days of Summer" photo challenge that I am currently very grateful for. Over 70 peeps have joined the group over on Flickr and a nice community is starting to grow. 

I wanted to start posting again and this project seemed like a good start. For some reason while I've been interviewing I haven't wanted to post here. I have no idea why. I seriously doubt anyone would give me dings for too many pictures of Lucy or endless art activities. I guess it's because it's also hard not to not be able offer any update on the job search. The search continues and I feel like I'm closing in on something amazing... but I really don't want to jinx anything. So, for now, keep sending pixie dust my way.

Here's my first two week's of photos from #100DaysofSummer2015:

Of course we are having a gorgeous summer here! I'm grateful I've been around to experience so much of these past few months at home with Lucy.

Swinging at Creekside Park after a bike ride.

At Las Palmas Park, which lives up to its name.

We hiked at Fremont Older after school. Dave ran down on his own and then Lucy and I got lost and saw a SNAKE! Good times.

I made a piñata for Lucy's birthday party borrowing an idea using cupcake wrappers I saw on Pinterest. It came out really cute and was very easy to do. Also, no, this one was NOT indestructible like the one I made 2 years-ago.

We celebrated with family and close friends for a pool party at my parent's house. I'll fill you in on that tomorrow when I post about her birthday.

ong summer days means long summer shadows in the evening. Love.

One of the fairy gardens in my Mom's garden. <3

Yum. Summer tastes like watermelon, red onion, balsamic and feta.


We got some rain! Barely any, but we'll take it!

I love summer evening light.


Remnants from Dave's last day of teaching for the year.

A peek at an art project we did.



2015: Week 15

Hello! I'm trying to get back into the weekly post groove and pick up my camera more.

On Monday I took Lucy over to Seven Seas Park in Sunnyvale. I'd never been there before, but heard great reviews from other parents. With my time between jobs I'm creating a bucket list of parks for us to visit and this was at the top of the list. I just heard they turned the water features on, so we will be going back soon to check that out!

We went with Granny and Grampy on a ferry ride from Pier 39 to Tiburon. It's fun to play tourist in your own city, and I hadn't been to Pier 39 in ages. 

Lucy LOVED the boat ride. This face says it all.

We went to work with Daddy! Lucy got to do two PE classes and demonstrate somersaults for everyone.

The weather was so nice we busted out the water table. Don't worry drought-alarmists, I used the drained water to take care of our potted plants.

I'm attempting to make pressed flowers. Here's the before shot. 

We visited Full Circle Farm. Lucy was over the moon when she saw samples of leafy greens all over the place. This girl LOVES salad.

She was equally excited to see a field of her favorite plant, broccoli! She said, "please take a picture of me with my favorite type of plant to eat!"

Now here's a flashback to 2 years-ago when Lucy met her first broccoli plant. She was straight up grazing!

On a sad note, we learned that one of Lucy's classmates suddenly passed away. Tragedy puts many things into perspective. While I'm still sad and scared over the loss of my job, I have so many things in my life to be grateful for. 

Last week was the first full week off, but it still doesn't seem quite real since Lucy was not in school all week, and all her extracurricular classes were also off. I'm slowly picking up my camera again and stepping back in to the April Love 2015 photo challenge. This one was my favorite this week and the photo prompt was "sweet."

I hope you had a lovely week!

xo Becky

New Beginnings

Hello, and welcome to my redesigned site!

This new space has been under construction for a while - thank you for your patience! The reason for the move is that I needed a host that would support a store. A store, you ask? Well, yes, and it's still a secret for now, so hold your horses!

Besides working on the site and product ideas, I needed time away while feeling not so great about losing both Guapo and Norman in such a short amount of time. I was also dealing with tough times as more layoffs happened at work. Then… it happened to me!

Last week I was laid off.

There's not much to say other than, "this is the Silicon Valley" and, "it happens," but it does suck. I'm scared and unsure of what's about to happen, but what I DO know is that I have a lot to offer the world. I also keep reminding myself of what the great Conan O'Brien once said...

Being at home is a big change, but a welcome one. I'll savor these extra hours I get with Lucy until I can land the "next big thing." I get to do "normal mommy" things like make her breakfast and take her to school. That also means having much more time to work on getting my store up, reinvigorating my blog and taking advantage of having daylight to take photos!!!

So, in the celebration of new beginnings, we made a quick and easy Spring project the other day, egg carton daffodils.

We cut out the cup portion that holds the eggs, then cut those into flower shapes.

We then cut out the conical separators to be glued in place as the center trumpets.

Next Lucy painted...

Set to dry...


So, here's to new beginnings and moving onwards and upwards!

xo Becky


El Guapo


Guapie, Guaps, Sir Guaps-a-lot, Fatty Boom-battie, Fatty Booms, Stinky, Big Lump. I think everyone had a nickname for you, because everyone loved El Guapo.

How did he get his name? It’s a story I love to tell.

Our baby Norman really needed a companion and I was determined to find the perfect match. After many disappointing adoption attempts, I thought maybe it wasn’t meant to be. On my way out of the Humane Society something compelled me to check the “adult cat room” on my way out. At the end of a narrow corridor of cages I saw this scrawny, little, crusty, white cat. One of the volunteers told me, “This is Hugo, one of the sweetest cats around.” After snuggling him for a bit and hearing more stories about how well behaved he is with other cats and children, I ask why he’s been left for so long. “Because everyone says he’s too ugly,” is what she told me.

Well F that, I demanded the paperwork immediately. Much to Dave’s surprise I came home with not a kitten, but this boney little guy we blessed with the name El Guapo, the handsome one.

The day we brought you home...


My matchmaking skills were spot-on. Norman and Guapo became immediate best friends. Well, more than that, really if you saw them. They were brothers, a true bonded pair.


This was all part of Guapo’s extreme charm. He made you love him.

Even as he ballooned up to some pretty fatty proportions, he had this way of sneaking up into your lap, thrusting his butt into your face and demanding a good long snuggle.


And your unforgettable toothless "smile."


And you were an amazing "big brudder," as Lucy called you.


There is no denying Guapo you were pure love. You loved to be loved, you loved to give love.


When Norman got sick you were with him until the end. I know that the reunion you two had at the rainbow bridge was a site to be seen. More snuggles and purrs than all the colors in that rainbow could handle.


We love you so much Pappa. Rest in peace, and please give Norman a kiss for me.


2015: Week 5


This week was a medical marathon. I had a check-up and Lucy had hers in preparation for Kindergarten registration (!!!). We both passed with flying colors and Lucy got a sticker, lollipop and frozen yogurt for being such a brave girl.

Sir Guaps-a-Lot also went into the vet this week. Since Norman died we had noticed his weight dropping. I assumed it was the stress of losing him, but I took him in just to be sure. It turns out his thyroid is out of wack, so he will be on medication from here on out. As an older cat, he's also showing signs if kidney disease, so we need to keep an eye on his hydration levels. All of this news simply means he's getting older. We're lucky he's such an easy-going boy, takes pills well and is forever a snuggle monkey.

I was on a secret mission this week and I wore my power blazer. After the mission is de-classified I can't wait to tell you about it!


And then on a whim, just for fun, I did a "Day in the Life Photo Challenge." Dave was out for the day enjoying the Super Bowl, so me and Lucy had some fun adventures.

We made some itty bitty pom poms...


Cleaned up the bedrooms (note the new pom pom on her head)...


we set up our fairy garden...


Watched Super Bowl commercials and the half time show... (Missy Elliott stole the show!)...


And just had some clean, plain, fun...




Martha's List of "Six Things to Do Every Day"

washing windows

As promised I am updating my attempt to make my way through Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook.

Today I will share with you my modified version of Martha's daily "to do" list.


My slight modification for our family is that I swapped out "4. Clean as you cook" and "5. Wipe up fresh spills" to something that addresses the actual daily problems in our specific kitchen:

6 things

Seems simple enough, right? Let's see if the whole family can do it for an ENTIRE WEEK! Do you think we can?




2015: Week 4

Well is was my BIRTHDAY last week. Yay me! I took the day off from work and enjoyed pancakes and mimosas for breakfast, followed by a trip to IKEA! It was a really nice day and great to have a well-deserved three-day weekend. I was really moved that several of my family members decided to make donations to my Pediatric Cancer Fundraising Page in honor of my birthday. Dragonflies are the symbol for Unravel Pediatric Cancer, the non-profit we are working to support. The meaning of the dragonflies is deep amongst the Unravel community. My mom gave Lucy and I matching lockets for my birthday in honor of the work we are doing. So beautiful.

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We had lunch at The Duke following a Skype call with my grandmother, Lucy's GREAT Granny. She insisted on wearing two different colored boots that day. Punky Brewster lives on!

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Peeping in during dance class.

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Grump face.

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I've seen this before!

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The face that launched a thousand ships...

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Post dance class snuggles.

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A giant THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to our fundraiser this past week. We are at 82% of our goal!




2015: Week 3

I'm late to post again this week, but I am sticking to my resolution to post weekly. I'll give myself credit where it's due—high five, me! We have entered the birthday zone! In the Parker family we have four birthdays smack within just weeks of each other, that means lots of yummy dinners and celebrations. We are going global this year, starting with an Italian dinner, followed by Chinese, ending this coming weekend with Cuban.


The week was mainly a blur of work in the middle with a well-deserved long birthday weekend.

We played a lot of "Stuff on Spencer."


We've been seeing a bit more of Uncle Simon lately, which we all love, especially Lucy.

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We got some lovely donations this week from Lucy's teachers and many family members. We are at 45% of our goal! I'll be taking an updated picture today after work.


In preparation for the race I attempted to begin the Couch 2 5K program, but my busted hips and back quickly told me NO. I'm trying to turn that no into a YES by focusing more on walking and maintaining my Fitbit program. I'd love some friends to join me for motivation if you're up for it!

I need to take more, more, more photos. I got a LensBaby for my birthday and I'm very excited to learn how to shoot well with it. More about my birthday later... I've got a list challenge I'm going to torture myself with that I'll share shortly.

I'm currently working on several creative side projects. I'm really excited to share more Martha posts soon as well as some crafts and projects we have brewing!

I hope you had a lovely week.



2015: Week 2

The big events this week all circulated around Miss Lucy Loo. On Saturday she was invited to TWO birthday parties. The first was all the girls from her preschool at Build-a-Bear. Before we even got there she had made her mind up that she wanted to make something for Grampy. All the girls picked pink teddy bears and Lucy, ever the rebel, chose a brown puppy. Later she joined all her boyfriends at Safari Run. It was really cool! The place is very clean and spacious. They even had plushy couches and lounge chairs for the parents to relax in. It was NOT the indoor playground experience I was dreading--I highly recommend the place!


On Sunday Dave turned thirty-something, so we showered him with everything he loves. Kisses and lots of meat to BBQ.

Birthday coffee...


Chalk drawing...


I miss my Normikins...


Work was back in full swing after the holidays. During the later part of the week I was assigned to a new manager and changed cubicles AGAIN, but I'm pretty happy about the change. I'm with a team again and it feels nice to not be so isolated all day.

My girl also made me really proud. She was sharing with her teachers at school about fundraising for "sick kids." They asked to know more and even all chipped in to make a donation. You can read all about our fundraiser here.


Hope you all had a good week!





I'm Reading This Book So You Don't Have To

reading book At 752 pages and just over four and a half pounds, Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook claims on the cover to be "the ESSENTIAL guide to caring for EVERYTHING in your home." We all know Martha doesn't lie (except for that one time) so this is, in fact, the bible of cleaning. She knows the hardships of caring for a home, from hand washing her antique linens to sealing her stone floors, and she has bravely put pen to paper to help us through it all. I bought this book several months ago and I think it intimidated me. So, now I challenge myself to work through this book and I'll share with you the best tips from time to time.

My previous project, My Month As Martha was really fun, so here we go again!

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Did I mention this book is big? It's essentially a hard-bound textbook and Martha gets right into bossing you into your chair with section #1 "How to Use This Book." Thanks Martha, I needed some guidance with that. I started by opening the book. I hope that was ok, Martha.

Anyhoo, the instructions are simple, read the first 400 pages of the book which covers room by room how to clean. Then you are ready for the master course, "Throughout the House," where Martha decides that you are ready to handle the holy pentagon of cleaning.

Spoiler alert...


Stare and chant at least 375 per day and you, too can have a clean home!

I'll be reporting back soon after tackling the first stage, which is gathering my cleaning materials and creating the TO DO CALENDAR.

xo Becky

2015: Week 1

Happy 2015 everyone! We rang in the new year at a close friend's house, having a countdown with the kids at 8PM to allow them to celebrate. There were poppers and sparklers and we pretended to not notice Lucy sneaking a quick kiss with a friend.


I love new beginnings and opportunities to collectively take accountability. I have many visions for how I hope this year shapes up, because man, 2014, you were rough around the edges.

There were challenges, but I walked away with many things to be proud of and happy memories.

I became an aunt again! Baby Logan joined us in June. I can't wait to meet him in person, he's such a babe.


My BFF got married!


AND my brother-in-law got married!!


On the creative front, this year's August Break photo-a-day project facilitated by Susannah Conway was something I really cherished. Not only did I complete the challenge, I pushed myself to try new design and photographic techniques. The end result were some of the best photos I think I published this year.


On the personal front, I am most proud of the work I did to help raise funds and awareness for pediatric cancer. I am so grateful for those who could donate and am so happy to continue to be active with Unravel Pediatric Cancer. Lucy and I are working on a new fundraising campaign to go along with the she.is.beautiful race we will be participating together in March. I love sharing this with her. She's been listening and learning. The other day I got my Unravel bumper sticker and she watched me put it on the car. She said, "I hope a doctor will see this." I do, too.


2015, let's do this.

My word for 2015 is YES. I want to turn "no" into "yes" and make things happen for myself. I hope you will stick with me and encourage me along the way!





Flowers to FIERCE

Last month Lucy had the honor of being a flower girl to her Uncle Dan and Aunt Meredith. IMG_6933

Her dress was gorgeous, but where was she going to wear it again before she outgrew it?


She also shredded the hem that night from all the dancing, so it really wasn't in good shape.

For months Lucy has said she wanted to be a dinosaur for Halloween, but I was determined to repurpose this dress. Lucy's suggestion was a dinosaur princess. I one-upped her and suggested QUEEN OF THE DINOSAURS. She agreed.


I first attempted to dye the dress green, but it turned baby blue. Instead I got some fabric spray and it was genius! I even used some orange to accent the bottom. It was very easy to use and true to color.


I sewed a cape with a hood--an amazing feat considering I don't sew--thanks to some YouTube videos. I tried using a pattern, but ended up winging it when the hood came out too small.

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I originally was going to reuse the purple ribbon as well, but was shocked to find only ONE dinosaur fabric at the store, which changed our color to orange. What are kids into these days that there could be so few dino-choices available?

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We are accessorizing the look with a dino-staff, made from a broken broom, ribbon, glitter and $1.99 pack of finger puppets from Diddams.

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Add to that a desire for world domination.


And a fierce roar!!!!!!!!!!

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Bow to your queen, minion dinosaurs.

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We hope you all have a happy Halloween!

xo Becky



Norman, when we first met you it was peak kitten season at the Humane Society. There were TONS of kittens and I was writing down the numbers of all the ones I wanted to hold and “test out” on a piece of paper. Suddenly one of the friends we were with said, “Oh my God, Becky. Look at this kitten.” In a sea of cute you somehow managed to out-cute them all. You were the most darling ball of orange fluff I’ve ever seen. I tossed that scrap of paper faster than you can blink and stood in front of the cage, blocking anyone else from seeing you. You were mine. 2014-08-04 16.30.59

We originally brought you home because our angel Charlie was acting up, and we thought maybe she would like a kitten. Ha! She didn’t take very kindly to you, but that didn’t stop you from sneaking up when she was sleeping to try and get a cuddle. After she left us too soon, we thought maybe you needed a friend, and that is when the love affair of a lifetime began.

You were still just under a year old when, to everyone’s surprise I walked in with this bony, crusty, adult cat we lovingly named El Guapo. At the Humane Society they had educated me about how to slowly introduce you two over the course of a few weeks. Again, ha! The suspense was killing me, so I introduced you two right away. You hissed for the first time in your life, Guapo blinked and the rest is a story of endless snuggles, licks and adorable antics.






You were also the first cat we introduced to Lucy. We knew you were gentle and kind and would want to meet the new creature in the house. Since birth Lucy has been surrounded by fur and snuggles--so many of them with you.












A few weeks ago we noticed your eyes were irritated. That led to a cancer diagnosis. As a baby when we first brought you home you were very sick. We nicknamed you “Ducky” because you kept sneezing and it sounded like you were quacking. We came full circle, trying to coax you with chicken broth, baby food and eggs in the end, just like the beginning. We resolved to make your last days as comfortable as possible and took comfort in the fact that we could help you avoid pain.

Lucy and I went and picked out a bed for you, big enough, of course, for Guapo to get in as well for a snuggle.


I think he knew. That day as I waited by the phone for your diagnosis he sat in my lap for hours. And on those low days he was always by your side, a bonded pair for life.

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On the last day we knew something was different. You came upstairs again and even jumped on the bed, even though you hadn’t eaten in over a week. By late afternoon your body was telling us it was time to go. I’m glad you spent so many hours sleeping on your Daddy’s lap that day. After checking my camera the next day, I realized you also went upstairs and visited Lucy's bedroom and snuggled in her bed. I think you knew it was your last night with us.



You made it exactly two weeks. Thank you for giving us that. I spent many hours brushing your fur. I knew you would want your mane to look nice when you left. Lucy read you books and sang you songs. Guapo licked your head and hogged the bed.

I was with you and Dr. Johnson as you drew your last breaths. Stroking your beautiful fur, telling you what a good boy you are, looking into your eyes. It was peaceful, and yes, your looked pretty





Afterwards we bought two balloons, one white and one orange. A white one for my parent’s dog Jack who recently passed and an orange one for you. We let Lucy release them and disappear into the clouds as we heard out neighbor’s son practice his violin. He was playing "Pure Imagination," from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

You brought so much quiet, gentle joy to our lives. Thank you for 11 fluffy years of love. We will forever miss you.

There is no

Life I know

To compare with

Pure imagination

Living there

You'll be free

If you truly wish to be


xo Mommy

The Past Few Weeks

Man, I am in awe of my sister. How do you churn out so much amazing writing and photos?! I've fallen behind again so bear with me as we catch up on our photos from the past few weeks... In BIG news, Dave's brother Dan got married to the beautiful Meredith. Dave was Best Man and Lucy was a Flower Girl.

Here we are at the rehearsal. Lucy and Emma were SO well-behaved and excited for their big job.


Dan and Meredith were pretty excited, too (note how serious the girls are in the background).


The Queen of Sheeba fans herself before the big show. The photo is out of focus, but I thought this was so funny.


We arrived for photos and Lucy couldn't take her eyes off herself.




And then it was time for the big show! The girls were beautiful.


And so were the happy bride and groom.


It was so cute to see Lucy instinctually lifting her dress to walk in her "high heels." She was so dainty the whole night and insisted on not changing clothes.


And we basically had to tear her off the dance floor (go Uncle Simon!).


And now to steal a line from Dave's Best Man speech...

"This is what's known as a transition."

Looking for something fun to do in the South Bay? There's a new Exploratorium Shop and mini interactive museum in Los Altos that's really fun. There are all sorts of activities to do--we spent well over an hour playing and Lucy could have stayed much longer if I hadn't forced her to leave and eat lunch.


Magnetic sand is the ONE thing I remember about the Exploratorium as a kid.


This was a clever use of sliding panels teaching kids about color blending.


There are also lots of things to make your kids stand in front of for a nice picture.


Or of yourself!

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I bought myself a present there. This is peacock ore.

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And a present for my husband. The small print reads, Emily froze. The distressing sound as she sat down could neither be described as "pleasant" nor, more worryingly, "dry."

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Lucy got her first library card this month. She consumes books so quickly this will be a regular spot for us.

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And Lucy helped me Flitter my office. Before making the dragonflies I had her watch Jennifer's Mom and little brothers talk about the fundraiser on the news. I told her that some kids are very, very sick. And the doctors want to help, but there's not enough money for them to make medicine. I told her that if we made beautiful dragonflies maybe we could get some of my friends to help give some money to the doctors. She was really excited and asked to keep one dragonfly for herself.

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Being a part of this fundraiser was both difficult and rewarding. With each push I gave, a blog post, a Facebook post, Flittering the office... I would get ONE donation. While it would make me sad that more weren't compelled to donate, I was brought to tears each time my phone alerted me that I had received a donation. The campaigning I did "Flittering" was the lightweight counterpart to a bigger campaign called "Fluttering." 350 families volunteered to post dragonflies and signs each night at a person's home, hoping to inspire donations. There were heartbreaking stories of dragonflies being stolen and signs thrown in the trash. But also amazing stories of courage and awareness. I am so very proud to have been part of this.

There are still a few more hours left in September to donate!


xo Becky




Last September

Last September I wasn't fundraising for Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. That's because last September I had never known anyone impacted by it.

Last September I would have scrolled past this post.

Last September my friend Libby had four beautiful children.

Last September her eldest daughter Jennifer's biggest worry was likely what costume to choose for Halloween.

Last September Jennifer did not know the word "tumor."

By next September 13,500 more children in the US will have been diagnosed with Cancer.

And the truth it could be the child of someone I know. Or the unspeakable.

Next September a whole new army of parents and shocked on-lookers like myself will take to Facebook asking for your donations.

Because the truth remains it could happen to anyone.

And the truth remains that a cure can only be found with funding.

Funding for Pediatric Cancer Research comes almost entirely from grassroots organizations created by families whose children have been impacted by Cancer.

I support Unravel Pediatric Cancer as their mission is to cure the most complicated Cancers, Pediatric Cancers, so that all of Cancer might unravel.

Please, be brave and click the link to my fundraising page. http://flittering.causevox.com/becky-parker

xo Becky
