Flowers to FIERCE

Last month Lucy had the honor of being a flower girl to her Uncle Dan and Aunt Meredith. IMG_6933

Her dress was gorgeous, but where was she going to wear it again before she outgrew it?


She also shredded the hem that night from all the dancing, so it really wasn't in good shape.

For months Lucy has said she wanted to be a dinosaur for Halloween, but I was determined to repurpose this dress. Lucy's suggestion was a dinosaur princess. I one-upped her and suggested QUEEN OF THE DINOSAURS. She agreed.


I first attempted to dye the dress green, but it turned baby blue. Instead I got some fabric spray and it was genius! I even used some orange to accent the bottom. It was very easy to use and true to color.


I sewed a cape with a hood--an amazing feat considering I don't sew--thanks to some YouTube videos. I tried using a pattern, but ended up winging it when the hood came out too small.

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I originally was going to reuse the purple ribbon as well, but was shocked to find only ONE dinosaur fabric at the store, which changed our color to orange. What are kids into these days that there could be so few dino-choices available?

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We are accessorizing the look with a dino-staff, made from a broken broom, ribbon, glitter and $1.99 pack of finger puppets from Diddams.

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Add to that a desire for world domination.


And a fierce roar!!!!!!!!!!

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Bow to your queen, minion dinosaurs.

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We hope you all have a happy Halloween!

xo Becky


Painted Stones

A couple of months ago my Mom found an old book from when I was a kid called The Bear's Bazaar: A Story and Craft Book, by Michelle Cartlidge. It's about a family of bears who make a bunch of crafts to sell at school. I immediately remembered the detailed illustrations and all the craft ideas. I Googled it and I'm guessing my edition may be worth a pretty penny as I couldn't find one like mine! But I'll save it for Lucy to pass along :) A few weeks ago I saw a picture on my Instagram feed of some painted stones. One of the crafts in the book that I wanted to do first was to do this. And then I started thinking how very British this all seems...

Let me back up, for those who don't know, I'm actually British and moved to the US when I was five. This book from my childhood was written by a British author and the photo I had seen that further inspired my was by Xanthe Berkeley--a British photographer. Also saying "stone" instead of "rock" is pretty British, righty ho?

Here's the illustration from the book of the bears painting their stones:


And one I still have from my childhood:


So the craft itself is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Clean the stones:


Paint the stones:


Embellish the stones:


This was a really fun and easy project and it was really nice to share an experience with Lucy that I associate with my own childhood.

xo Becky

P.S. Please click on over to read about a really important fundraiser for kids taking place this September. Be brave!


A Quick Upcycle Project

I was looking at Pinterest for ideas for a project for Lucy to make using some wrapping paper tubes that were lying around and taking up space. Instead I came across variations on this project, so it became MY art project! I'm not big into "trash into treasure" types of crafting, but I had all these materials on-hand and the project was super easy. The worst that could happen is I throw it in the recycle bin at the end of the day, so why not?

The materials I used:

  • 2 wrapping paper tubes
  • hot glue gun
  • spray paint

First I pressed the tubes flat and cut them into varying sizes between 2 and 3 inches. Pressing them flat made cutting them easier and also formed them into these ellipse-shaped pieces.


I sorted them all out and arranged them by size to get an idea for how many I had in each variation.


I didn't premeditate a design, I just started with a symmetrical middle and built it out from there. I used a hot glue gun to attach each piece and secure all the touching edges. The paper tube was thick enough that I didn't burn my fingers and it as way more quick than using liquid glue.


After I had them all glued together I trimmed away any curly bits of paper and glue gun spider webs. Then I took it outside for a quick spray with silver paint.


In my head before I started making this I thought it was going to turn out HUGE. I should have saved up like 10 wrapping paper rolls for that. Good news is it was so light I could hang it up with a single thumbtack. I could also VERY easily keep making it bigger and bigger over time.


I put it in our bedroom between two large framed pieces of poster-sized paper to make up for the small scale.


Not bad for a brown paper roll!

xo Becky

P.S. This is my 100th post. Thanks to everyone who reads, comments and shares. This has been really great space for me to share creatively and connect with other people, so THANK YOU!!!

i heart words!

I love words, letters, fonts, typography, lists, pens, paper... LOVE it! If you do too, you have to play with Wordle. This word cloud application lets you play with fonts, apply custom colors and play with a huge array of layouts. I really had way, WAY too much fun with this. Simply cut and paste any text - then play! I pasted in the URL of Clean White Paper and here are the results:

I'm not sure why "one" comes up so often. Apparently I say "cute" a lot too!

  • You could use this as a writing tool to see what words you over-use
  • Run your blog URL to see where your writing focus lies
  • Get out of a writing rut by mixing it up
  • Make a personalized card for someone by typing in words about them
  • Create an inspiration board

I also used it to create a custom poster for Lucy where I wrote about her favorite things, some of her first words and other things I love about her:

Seriously, endless possibilities. Prepare to get sucked in...

xo Becky

slap some paper on it

My very wise husband once suggested to his mom that she buy me "elegant paper" for my birthday. A funny choice of words, and yet so perfect.

I love paper. Especially the fancy kind. If I could have a shopping spree anywhere Paper Source would definitely be on my top 10 list.

Finding time for crafting is hard once you have a baby, but something as simple as slapping some scraps of pretty paper on something quickly elevates it to something beautiful to have lying around your home.

Point in case, the crayon collection:

How easy is that?

Slapping Some Paper on Something: Level 2

Decoupage! Again super easy and only takes a few minutes more of preparation.

I wanted to cover up my baby wipe holder. Even the decorative ones in the store still seemed like an eyesore to me and the ones I could find online were a bit much - covered in tassels and other bejewelments.

I cut up a large piece of patterned paper. Make sure you use a paper that is thin and easy to saturate with the decoupage glue. I got my glue from the fabric store but you can also make it by mixing equal parts of white school glue with water. Simply apply the dampened paper - not too much at first so you can still make adjustments, then satuate and mold all the paper to your surface. I ended up having to do three layers in total so the labels on the wipe container were no longer visible.



I love Halloween. I love the candy, the decorations and all the dressing up. What's even more fun than that? Dressing up an adorable baby.

Last year Lucy was a cozy lion. This year we went to fairy land.

This was the original loot gathered to make Lucy's fairy costume (all purchased at Target for under $20) - all inspired by these adorable wings purchased at the Renaissance Fair (for a price that I wish was closer to $20). The dye is from the fabric store.

You'll see in a moment that I pull a switcheroo. The tights pictured above did not work out at all. I bought clothes I thought would be comfortable and then dye them to match the wings. I got it stuck in my head that I wanted to do striped tights. My first attempt didn't work. Then, "take two" with some white leggings:

Success! And pretty cute, huh?

Finally, a fairy princess.

Today is still just the 30th, so there is still more fun to come. I just couldn't wait to share a sneak peek.