2015: Week 1

Happy 2015 everyone! We rang in the new year at a close friend's house, having a countdown with the kids at 8PM to allow them to celebrate. There were poppers and sparklers and we pretended to not notice Lucy sneaking a quick kiss with a friend.


I love new beginnings and opportunities to collectively take accountability. I have many visions for how I hope this year shapes up, because man, 2014, you were rough around the edges.

There were challenges, but I walked away with many things to be proud of and happy memories.

I became an aunt again! Baby Logan joined us in June. I can't wait to meet him in person, he's such a babe.


My BFF got married!


AND my brother-in-law got married!!


On the creative front, this year's August Break photo-a-day project facilitated by Susannah Conway was something I really cherished. Not only did I complete the challenge, I pushed myself to try new design and photographic techniques. The end result were some of the best photos I think I published this year.


On the personal front, I am most proud of the work I did to help raise funds and awareness for pediatric cancer. I am so grateful for those who could donate and am so happy to continue to be active with Unravel Pediatric Cancer. Lucy and I are working on a new fundraising campaign to go along with the she.is.beautiful race we will be participating together in March. I love sharing this with her. She's been listening and learning. The other day I got my Unravel bumper sticker and she watched me put it on the car. She said, "I hope a doctor will see this." I do, too.


2015, let's do this.

My word for 2015 is YES. I want to turn "no" into "yes" and make things happen for myself. I hope you will stick with me and encourage me along the way!

