thirty five

Thirty five things to try and do before I turn 36 (AK!):

  1. Take a class with Lulu
  2. Hang curtains in dining room (that have been in the closet since before Lulu was born)
  3. Redecorate (or actually DECORATE) bedroom
  4. Take more breaks at work
  5. Eat dinner at the table more
  6. Cook one new thing a month
  7. Execute a chore schedule
  8. Learn (again) how to sew and make some pillows
  9. Learn some makeup techniques
  10. Get shellac (it looks rad!)
  11. Get a facial (I've never had one!)
  12. Get a massage (notice a pattern?)
  13. Take Lulu to the beach
  14. MORE girls nights
  15. MORE date nights
  16. Finish garden
  17. Find a blogging community to belong to
  18. Organize my photos
  19. Create an original piece of art to hang in my home
  20. Open my Etsy store
  21. Take better care of my skin
  22. Take an art class
  23. Start doing yoga again
  24. Clean out the garage
  25. Hang more artwork throughout the apartment
  26. Go on a vacation!
  27. Take a day off for no reason at all
  28. Spend more than $30 on a pair of shoes
  29. Make another photo book
  30. Fit into my favorite pants
  31. Take a picture of myself that I like
  32. Learn to make resin jewelry
  33. Host a dinner party
  34. Pickle something
  35. Get another tattoo (oh yeah)

Here's to another awesome year!