So it’s been 4 months since my birthday and I set a LOT of goals to accomplish. I’m feeling a bit behind, mostly because I’m not sure that will be able to pull it all off. But if I can’t, so what? I made up the game for myself so I can make the rules, too. The first rule of Birthday Goal Club - don’t dwell on Birthday Goal Club. I have managed to knock a few of these out, so here’s a progress report:
1. Take a class with Lulu
Lucy and I took a dance class together. Besides being at 8AM on a Saturday, it was AWESOME! I plan on signing up for more but am taking a little break as I concentrate on my own courses that I am taking.
4. Take more breaks at work
This has been hard and maybe I’m cheating again by putting it on my “done” list as it is very much a work in progress. Something that has been a big help has been my engagement in work outside of “work.” The classes that I am taking make me excited to sneak a peek at Flickr or go outside to search for something to photograph.
10. Get shellac
I promptly got shellac right after I wrote this list, courtesy of my BFF. It was amazing, just like I knew it would be! It lasted for over two weeks - the picture below was taken after 14 days! The only reason I ended up taking it off was because I was itching for a new color.
13. Take Lulu to the beach
Some of our family just moved to Soquel, so we were able to spend Easter in Capitola and take Lucy to the beach for the first time. Part of me felt like an idiot for living where I do and going almost 2 years without visiting the beach with my daughter, but quickly forgave myself when we got there. She loved it, of course, and yelled “sandbox!” over and over again for days after we had left.
22. Take an art class
Although it’s technically a not photography course, Unraveling: Ways of Seeing Myself is focused on using photographs as a tool for self discovery. This class has reinvigorated my creative spirit and connected me to my camera in a brand new way.
28. Spend more than $30 on a pair of shoes
One of my Unraveling assignments was all about feet - where you are, where you’ve been, where you’re going. In addition to inspiring thought and creativity, it also inspired me to go and buy two very nice pairs of shoes for myself!
31. Take a picture of myself that I like.
I thought this one would be a giant challenge. Luckily a few recent assignments forced me to take some of my very first self portraits EVER and, dare I say, I like a few??
There’s still a lot of work to be done, and like I said before, I may not finish it all, and that’s ok. It’s actually better than ok because I’m accepting it without feeling bad. I work hard - at home, in my life and in my career. I TRY hard - to be a good mom, wife, friend and person. I put my heart into everything I do and all the people I do it with and that is certainly nothing to feel bad about.
xo Becky