Last September

Last September I wasn't fundraising for Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. That's because last September I had never known anyone impacted by it.

Last September I would have scrolled past this post.

Last September my friend Libby had four beautiful children.

Last September her eldest daughter Jennifer's biggest worry was likely what costume to choose for Halloween.

Last September Jennifer did not know the word "tumor."

By next September 13,500 more children in the US will have been diagnosed with Cancer.

And the truth it could be the child of someone I know. Or the unspeakable.

Next September a whole new army of parents and shocked on-lookers like myself will take to Facebook asking for your donations.

Because the truth remains it could happen to anyone.

And the truth remains that a cure can only be found with funding.

Funding for Pediatric Cancer Research comes almost entirely from grassroots organizations created by families whose children have been impacted by Cancer.

I support Unravel Pediatric Cancer as their mission is to cure the most complicated Cancers, Pediatric Cancers, so that all of Cancer might unravel.

Please, be brave and click the link to my fundraising page.

xo Becky
