saturday: a photo an hour

7 AM Snuggles with Spencer.

8 AM

Making breakfast.

9 AM

Grocery list making.

10 AM

Coffee with my boo.

11 AM

Grocery shopping.

12 PM

Heirloom tomatoes, basil, mozzarella and balsamic glaze. OMG.

1 PM

Packing up some of Lucy's old clothes for Lila.

2 PM

Organizing Lucy's hair accessory drawer. (Can you tell she's been napping during these last two photos ?)

3 PM

Playing dress up in a new tutu for dance class.

4 PM


5 PM

Adding the final ingredients to the slow cooker.

6 PM

Dinner! White bean soup with andouille and kale.

7 PM

Watching Toy Story with Unkie and El Guapo.

8 PM

Bedtime for Lulu.

9 PM

My turn to snuggle a cat.

10 PM

Nail painting.

I went to bed soon after this. An"early" Saturday night. Another fun day with some of my favorite people and animals. Hurray for Saturdays!!