Painted Stones

A couple of months ago my Mom found an old book from when I was a kid called The Bear's Bazaar: A Story and Craft Book, by Michelle Cartlidge. It's about a family of bears who make a bunch of crafts to sell at school. I immediately remembered the detailed illustrations and all the craft ideas. I Googled it and I'm guessing my edition may be worth a pretty penny as I couldn't find one like mine! But I'll save it for Lucy to pass along :) A few weeks ago I saw a picture on my Instagram feed of some painted stones. One of the crafts in the book that I wanted to do first was to do this. And then I started thinking how very British this all seems...

Let me back up, for those who don't know, I'm actually British and moved to the US when I was five. This book from my childhood was written by a British author and the photo I had seen that further inspired my was by Xanthe Berkeley--a British photographer. Also saying "stone" instead of "rock" is pretty British, righty ho?

Here's the illustration from the book of the bears painting their stones:


And one I still have from my childhood:


So the craft itself is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Clean the stones:


Paint the stones:


Embellish the stones:


This was a really fun and easy project and it was really nice to share an experience with Lucy that I associate with my own childhood.

xo Becky

P.S. Please click on over to read about a really important fundraiser for kids taking place this September. Be brave!


The August Break: Week 3 (plus more!)

I'm really loving the photo prompts for The August Break. I've also connected with some really talented photographers on Instagram the past few weeks. I think I've really been testing myself creatively through these prompts, and for that I think I'll have to send Susannah my own love letter. So let's start with the cute right off the bat.


As hard as she tried, this was the most impressive jump shot I could get. I need to teach her to kick her heels up, like in the old Toyota commercials.



This shot was fun. I wish those nail decals had lasted longer...


My phone is full of these amazing sunrise pictures from my morning walks (which lately have involved bursts of jogging and running up and down stairs).


Treasures: Rocks, shells and beads. I took this with the same method used to shoot my nail polish last week.


Can't resist those morning shadows.


It's fun to say "adornment."


She's building memories every day. I hope I'm making them colorful for her.


Appreciating the small details.


In other news Lulu started back at preschool this week!


As a special treat I did her nails with Jamberry Juniors. (I used the rice application method if anyone is interested, it worked really well!)


My bub has grown!


XO Becky






What the August Break Means to Me

I first became aware of Susannah Conway through my friend Tracy. She thought I might really enjoy one of her photography e-courses. I did, and ended up taking almost all of her courses! “Taking her courses” isn’t even a really good way to describe it. It’s more like participating in one of her creative gatherings. Through them I was able to connect with a whole network of artists, writers and photographers online for which I am eternally grateful. The August Break 2013, Day 10: Red


A few years back Susannah wrote about The August Break which was simply a time for bloggers to take a time out from their schedules and have a collective reset. The following year when she wrote about it again she added the fun component of a photo-a-day challenge, a way to keep creativity going. I wasn't really a blogger, but I sure do love a photo-a-day challenge!

The August Break 2013, Day 17: Touch (photo taken by Lucy)


For me the August Break is a way to reawaken my creativity. I love waking up with a mission, especially a collective one. I love knowing that all these people are walking around trying to find the same thing, and yet at the end of the day we all end up with something unique.

The August Break 2013, Day 6: Diagonals (I miss those shoes!)


I hope some of you will join me and everyone else taking part! I hope you will also take some time to get to know the lovely Susannah. Her blog is a beautiful place. Here’s the list of daily prompts:

I'll be posting my pics here and on Instagram @beckycat1






A Quick Upcycle Project

I was looking at Pinterest for ideas for a project for Lucy to make using some wrapping paper tubes that were lying around and taking up space. Instead I came across variations on this project, so it became MY art project! I'm not big into "trash into treasure" types of crafting, but I had all these materials on-hand and the project was super easy. The worst that could happen is I throw it in the recycle bin at the end of the day, so why not?

The materials I used:

  • 2 wrapping paper tubes
  • hot glue gun
  • spray paint

First I pressed the tubes flat and cut them into varying sizes between 2 and 3 inches. Pressing them flat made cutting them easier and also formed them into these ellipse-shaped pieces.


I sorted them all out and arranged them by size to get an idea for how many I had in each variation.


I didn't premeditate a design, I just started with a symmetrical middle and built it out from there. I used a hot glue gun to attach each piece and secure all the touching edges. The paper tube was thick enough that I didn't burn my fingers and it as way more quick than using liquid glue.


After I had them all glued together I trimmed away any curly bits of paper and glue gun spider webs. Then I took it outside for a quick spray with silver paint.


In my head before I started making this I thought it was going to turn out HUGE. I should have saved up like 10 wrapping paper rolls for that. Good news is it was so light I could hang it up with a single thumbtack. I could also VERY easily keep making it bigger and bigger over time.


I put it in our bedroom between two large framed pieces of poster-sized paper to make up for the small scale.


Not bad for a brown paper roll!

xo Becky

P.S. This is my 100th post. Thanks to everyone who reads, comments and shares. This has been really great space for me to share creatively and connect with other people, so THANK YOU!!!

2014: Week 19

Well, last week was a bit of a haze. It still lingers this week as I try to wrap my brain around a new reality. While I wish it were easy for me to compartmentalize work and life, I'm hopelessly compassionate and can't NOT form an attachment to the people I spend 40+ hours a week with. Unfortunately we had a staff reduction this week and it hit HARD. I was just walking around looking at the already grey aisles of cubicles feeling beyond lonely. I know I should be happy that I made it through, but it's just so strange.


This goofy girl keeps me going.

2014-05-18 16.18.59

P.S. I love you... And other reminders the keep on keeping on.

2014-05-18 15.39.56

My fur baby, Normikins gives the fluffiest snuggles.

2014-05-14 21.55.33

Can you see the bunny?

2014-05-12 18.13.36

We've been playing "restaurant" lately, which consists of making a menu, then dressing up fancy and being waited upon. Here is a menu from "Watercolor Café."

2014-05-18 12.33.04

We also went to the Los Altos Pet Parade! Here's all the dogs watching.


Pug life.


This lady and her dog (omg her glasses and the dogs eyes!)


I was too close to get a full shot, but this guy's dog had dreadlocks :)


Pop Pop and Lucy cleaning strawberries.


I made something for you... Stay tuned.


I scored some quartz at the art faire. Time to make some magic.


xo Becky






A Day in the Life...

On Monday I participated in another "Day in the Life" Photo Challenge, this time hosted by my sister's friend Rebecca (great name!). This one was interesting because it fell on a very nontraditional day. Every year we host an Oscar Party, and every year I take the following Monday off to clean the apartment (it's a huge ordeal; we decorate, move furniture, cook  a bunch of food…) This is why I slept in (!!!) and why Lucy is absent for a large portion of my morning.

For those interested, this series I chose to shoot entirely with my Samsung Galaxy III and many are edited using the VSCO app.

8:30 :: I woke up to only minor cleanup damage. The lingering dedication to PSH.


9:30 :: Editing photos from the night before. Amazing.


10:30 :: Snack as I continue to cleanup and straighten things out.


11:30 :: Picking up Lucy at my parent's house. She was a "good girl" spending the night AND got to go see Frozen again and eat a bag of popcorn with Grampy.


12:30 :: Next we went and had lunch together at Whole Foods.


1:30 :: Then, because it was Mommy's day off AND Target is next-door to Whole Foods, we went to Target.


2:30 :: Project planning with Lucy.


3:30 :: Playing with her new sentence reading cards.


4:30 :: Dinner prep.


5:30 :: Watering the plants. This one is a jungle.


6:30 :: Working on my bullet journal with a glass of wine as Dave cooks dinner and Lucy watches Diego.


7:30 :: Bath time! These two guys, "Billy and Joey," have seen many adventures in the ocean.


8:30 :: Editing the bloggy poo for my weekly look-back-in-photos.


9:30 :: Watching Walking Dead. OMG.


And then I went to sleep EARLY. BOOYA.

Hope you take a day off and  go to bed early one day soon. It's awesome. You're awesome.

xo Becky

2014: Week 8

Last week I didn't take very many photos. Weird how that happens sometimes. Here are my faves. Our theme this week in 52 of You was "props." I found these awesome glasses at Target.


I made Lucy heart-shaped french toast and strawberries, just cuz she's the awesomest.


She also painted this amazing picture of my parents dog Jack who died a few weeks ago, because she "wanted to remember him."


A co-worker made these adorable cupcakes at work. Someone asked if they were supposed to be Mount Rushmore. Um, no. MINIONS!


I get weird looks at work in the parking lot all the time in the morning taking pictures. I can't help it if the wet asphalt looks amazing bathed in golden sunlight!!!


Watching and listening to kids pretend play is so freaking cute.




And Lucy got a hat, inspired by her cutie pie cousin, Lila who rocks hats like no other.


xo Becky

Family Date Photo Series

I took this first photo about a year ago. Seeing itty bitty toys juxtaposed with our "grown up" drinks just looked so sweet to me. Maybe because I love our "family dates" so much. Just the three of us out together having fun. Lala Loopsy and chardonnay.


Tiger brothers and chardonnay.


Prince Eric totally cheating on Ariel with Cinderella (and probably chardonnay).


Baby Norman, beer and sake.


Truck hauling markers, Daddy and beer.


Stickers and sake.


Bo-Jack and beer.


Half of the Calico Critters Buttercup Cat Twins and sake.


Crayons and chardonnay.


xo Becky