New Beginnings

Hello, and welcome to my redesigned site!

This new space has been under construction for a while - thank you for your patience! The reason for the move is that I needed a host that would support a store. A store, you ask? Well, yes, and it's still a secret for now, so hold your horses!

Besides working on the site and product ideas, I needed time away while feeling not so great about losing both Guapo and Norman in such a short amount of time. I was also dealing with tough times as more layoffs happened at work. Then… it happened to me!

Last week I was laid off.

There's not much to say other than, "this is the Silicon Valley" and, "it happens," but it does suck. I'm scared and unsure of what's about to happen, but what I DO know is that I have a lot to offer the world. I also keep reminding myself of what the great Conan O'Brien once said...

Being at home is a big change, but a welcome one. I'll savor these extra hours I get with Lucy until I can land the "next big thing." I get to do "normal mommy" things like make her breakfast and take her to school. That also means having much more time to work on getting my store up, reinvigorating my blog and taking advantage of having daylight to take photos!!!

So, in the celebration of new beginnings, we made a quick and easy Spring project the other day, egg carton daffodils.

We cut out the cup portion that holds the eggs, then cut those into flower shapes.

We then cut out the conical separators to be glued in place as the center trumpets.

Next Lucy painted...

Set to dry...


So, here's to new beginnings and moving onwards and upwards!

xo Becky