I'm Reading This Book So You Don't Have To

reading book At 752 pages and just over four and a half pounds, Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook claims on the cover to be "the ESSENTIAL guide to caring for EVERYTHING in your home." We all know Martha doesn't lie (except for that one time) so this is, in fact, the bible of cleaning. She knows the hardships of caring for a home, from hand washing her antique linens to sealing her stone floors, and she has bravely put pen to paper to help us through it all. I bought this book several months ago and I think it intimidated me. So, now I challenge myself to work through this book and I'll share with you the best tips from time to time.

My previous project, My Month As Martha was really fun, so here we go again!

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Did I mention this book is big? It's essentially a hard-bound textbook and Martha gets right into bossing you into your chair with section #1 "How to Use This Book." Thanks Martha, I needed some guidance with that. I started by opening the book. I hope that was ok, Martha.

Anyhoo, the instructions are simple, read the first 400 pages of the book which covers room by room how to clean. Then you are ready for the master course, "Throughout the House," where Martha decides that you are ready to handle the holy pentagon of cleaning.

Spoiler alert...


Stare and chant at least 375 per day and you, too can have a clean home!

I'll be reporting back soon after tackling the first stage, which is gathering my cleaning materials and creating the TO DO CALENDAR.

xo Becky