I'll take that baby to go

Just when you cross one milestone with your child and you start thinking there will be less stuff to lug around, think again. I've posted before about the contents of my diaper bag and I really think I could have done a post every three months since Lucy was born and there would have been an evolution, but sadly not a reduction. When the thought pops in my head to go to dinner, run to the store or spend the day at the park, immediately my mental checklist goes into effect and I start conducting a thorough inventory of what I need to pack.

Since I've already written about my diaper bag, let's talk about the lunch bag and what else needs to come along for the ride (because who really gets out of the house with just a diaper bag, honestly).

Regardless of if we are going some place that will have food, I still always pack food. There's nothing worse than getting stuck at a slow restaurant or at a time when your little darling decides that the last thing in the world they want to do is eat unfamiliar food.

Here's a few easy ideas for snack packing ideas that come in handy for me:

1. Tinydiner Placemat: This rubber placemat unrolls and suctions to the table. It also has a little lip in the front to catch food before it hits the floor. I love this thing! Many times a plate or bowl isn't an option, so this is a nice alternative to putting food on a questionable surface. It also makes me feel like I'm making less of a mess in a restaurant.

2. Applesauce: Quick, easy and healthy. My favorite is Trader Joe's Big & Chunky.

3. Crackers & Humus: Lucy is going through a "dip" phase. Usually she just licks up the ketchup, ranch, mustard, what-have-you and leaves the actually food on the plate. Pretty gross. I don't feel bad about her eating humus by the cracker-full and she REALLY likes it! Her favorite crackers are multigrain and we usually stick to the plain humus.

4. Snack Trap: Whoever invented these, good job. So easy to toss into the backseat or to whip out of my purse. Filled with treats like Annie's Cheddar Bunnies, sliced grapes or edamame, this little guy is a must-have. I've just ordered an upgrade to this one.

5. Water: Always on-hand, always crucial! I got this bottle at Whole Foods. I like that I can buy replacement straws right there instead of feeling like I need to toss the whole thing out. It's also spill-proof and BPA free, so bonus for everyone.

6. Yogurt: This is also a current obsession. Easy to toss in a bag in a hurry, healthy and simple.

7. Spare Spoon: You never know when restaurant silverware will be too big to handle (or when you might need to bust out that yogurt).

8. Cereal bars: We like these Earth's Best ones. They are nice and soft, easy to chew, and they taste great!

Pictured above, I've been using a little storage container to pack snacks and meals that I picked up at Babies "R" Us. It's OK. It only has three compartments and it on the small side. I've ordered one of these, which I'm really excited about:

It's pretty pricey, but the amount of use I know I will get out of it will make up for it. I love that it has a bunch of compartments. As many Moms know, certain food just CANNOT touch each other (according to our kids) so this solves that problem by letting you pack more of a variety of foods. And, as you can also see here, it makes for some pretty great picture-taking as well! When it arrives and I give it a thorough test run, I'll post an update and let you know how I like it.

Besides everything above, our go-to snacks include:

  • Sliced fruit
  • Steamed veggies
  • String cheese
  • Cereal
  • Quesadillas
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Bread and butter slices

What snacks do your kids like?

What tips do you have for a mom on the go?

xo Becky

snap happy

The past two weeks I have been emerged in Susannah Conway's ecourse, Ways of Seeing Myself. It's got me thinking all sorts of wonderful, creative thoughts and feeling so much joy. I'm realizing that our photographs say so much more about ourselves than just where we've been and who we've spent our time with. Our images share a piece of what we were feeling at a specific moment in time.

What watching the rain on a warm night from the porch feels like...

What discovering art feels like...

What being with friends feels like...

What being amazed by nature feels like...

What being amazing with what humans can do with nature feels like...

What a hug feels like...

What love feels like...

So thank you for taking random pictures of your cat, your lunch, you fingernails and the clouds. Thank you for posting and sharing a piece of who you are.

Follow me on Instagram, FlickrFacebook and Twitter and I'll follow you back!

xo Becky


Last week on The Joy the Baker Podcast Tracy and Joy posed a challenge to their listeners - share five of your current obsessions with the world. So, here you go: 1. Nails Inc. Special Effects: At first I thought it was a ploy. What's so special about it? Looks like glitter polish to me. But, oh no! It really is special. This polish illuminates really well against all colors and picks up the light in amazing ways. I have received numerous compliments especially under low lights (most frequently by waitresses). It's really worth it, I swear.

2. The Joy the Baker Podcast: This show has been on for close to one year and it makes me look forward to Thursdays. I love to settle in to a lame task at work, slip on my headphones and escape into the world of unimportant girl talk. Every episode has me laughing and wishing the show was live because I've had way too many "oh, tell me about it!" moments where I wish I could call in. These blazin' ladies also serve up a big chunk of creative inspiration that keeps me going. Listen, you won't be sorry.

3. Instagram: Instagram is a super fun social networking tool that focuses on sharing photos. I love getting glimpses into people's every day lives and sharing a bit of my own. There's something very intimate about this uncomplicated way of communicating that has me smitten.

4. Chevron stripes: It all started on my birthday when I got some storage containers from Target. And then I bought more, and more. And then I got some dish towels, and then I saw this headboard, and oh... This pattern just makes me HAPPY.

5. Up All Night: My favorite new show of the year staring Christina Applegate, Will Arnett and Maya Rudolf. Not only do I love seeing a working mom on TV who actually works, it's hilarious. Also, I'm pretty sure if these characters were real they would all be my best friends.

This challenge was HARD! I had way more things I could have listed, but managed to wrangle myself in. Good job, me.

xo Becky

when life gives you lemons... use them to clean your kitchen

I Google. Yes I do. I Google super random things that even I can't remember why when I look back in my search history. Many times auto-fill will lead me on a strange journey through the interwebs until suddenly I discover a hidden gem. Such a thing happened the other week when a search accidentally turned up a review of different spray bottles (what?) and I stumbled upon this!

I've wanted to start making my own cleaning products again and, as a sucker for neat ideas wrapped in a cute design, fell in love with this all-inclusive DIY cleaning product kit by Full Circle.

The Come Clean Natural Cleaning Set by Full Circle comes with:

Two spray bottles, one squeezy bottle, two juicers, bottle labels, a recipe booklet and a cleaning cloth.

As an apartment renter I'm always very storage conscious. I don't want a bunch of crap around that I only use once in a while, so I could also appreciate that all the ingredients I needed were very versatile as well. In fact, the only thing I had to actually buy to get started was the castile soap.

I jumped right in and made three cleaners:


1 part vinegar

1 part water

Juice of 1/2 a lemon

This is a light cleaner that is great for daily wipe-downs of the counter or for a quick freshen up around the loo. I'll admit I still need to embrace my heavy-duty toilet and shower cleaners for now, but am looking into a safer homemade recipe that will stand up to those.


1 part vinegar

2 parts water

1 tablespoon of castile soap

Juice of 1 lemon

This cleaner gets an A+. Love it. I used it right away and it cut through the grease on my stove top and brightened my grout. I will, however be adding some essential oils for scent. Even though the vinegar smell quickly dissipates, I still like to feel pretty while I'm cleaning, so a little mint or lavender couldn't hurt, right? They also make many scented castile soaps that would do the trick as well.


3 parts baking soda

1 part warm water

1 teaspoon of castile soap

Juice of 1 lemon

This I used in my sink and, again - wowzas for performance!

But, this is where I need to pause...

I need to be real here and tell you it wasn't all Marthy-Stewarty-perfect-and-wonderful. Everything was going great until I got to making the abrasive cleaner. I'm not sure what happened (and, no, I didn't mix the vinegar and baking soda), but the bottle exploded. Everywhere. Since the bottle comes apart near the top to accommodate the juicer, as I was shaking it up, it literally blew up in my face. My face, clothes, table, chairs, floor, walls - all covered in lemon, vinegar and baking soda. Wonderful!

Maybe I misread the recipe instructions and should have stirred it all up in a bowl first before pouring it into the container, but I thought the point was kinda that you could make it all inside the bottle.

Anyhoo, all in all...

But only because I got vinegar all over my face.

xo Becky

i heart words!

I love words, letters, fonts, typography, lists, pens, paper... LOVE it! If you do too, you have to play with Wordle. This word cloud application lets you play with fonts, apply custom colors and play with a huge array of layouts. I really had way, WAY too much fun with this. Simply cut and paste any text - then play! I pasted in the URL of Clean White Paper and here are the results:

I'm not sure why "one" comes up so often. Apparently I say "cute" a lot too!

  • You could use this as a writing tool to see what words you over-use
  • Run your blog URL to see where your writing focus lies
  • Get out of a writing rut by mixing it up
  • Make a personalized card for someone by typing in words about them
  • Create an inspiration board

I also used it to create a custom poster for Lucy where I wrote about her favorite things, some of her first words and other things I love about her:

Seriously, endless possibilities. Prepare to get sucked in...

xo Becky

thirty five

Thirty five things to try and do before I turn 36 (AK!):

  1. Take a class with Lulu
  2. Hang curtains in dining room (that have been in the closet since before Lulu was born)
  3. Redecorate (or actually DECORATE) bedroom
  4. Take more breaks at work
  5. Eat dinner at the table more
  6. Cook one new thing a month
  7. Execute a chore schedule
  8. Learn (again) how to sew and make some pillows
  9. Learn some makeup techniques
  10. Get shellac (it looks rad!)
  11. Get a facial (I've never had one!)
  12. Get a massage (notice a pattern?)
  13. Take Lulu to the beach
  14. MORE girls nights
  15. MORE date nights
  16. Finish garden
  17. Find a blogging community to belong to
  18. Organize my photos
  19. Create an original piece of art to hang in my home
  20. Open my Etsy store
  21. Take better care of my skin
  22. Take an art class
  23. Start doing yoga again
  24. Clean out the garage
  25. Hang more artwork throughout the apartment
  26. Go on a vacation!
  27. Take a day off for no reason at all
  28. Spend more than $30 on a pair of shoes
  29. Make another photo book
  30. Fit into my favorite pants
  31. Take a picture of myself that I like
  32. Learn to make resin jewelry
  33. Host a dinner party
  34. Pickle something
  35. Get another tattoo (oh yeah)

Here's to another awesome year!

gimmie a break

Last week I was putting together a list of resolutions (who says they need to be ready on the first?). I got a bit carried away and it starting looking more like a some crazy mathematical graph - no joke, here's a picture:

I decided there was no sense in getting organized this way and thought that instead I would take advantage of my birthday being so close to the new year. Since my not-so-nifty tree chart already has so many ideas on it I've decided to a do a birthday resolution list.

I've followed many other people doing this online and love the idea that it keeps you accountable and provides motivation to accomplish your goals. Check out these wonderful ladies:

I also freaking LOVE this book created by Elise Blaha Cripe. Maybe next year I can make something that beautiful, but for now I need to finish this list before my birthday (countdown 4 days).

In the meantime I got a jumpstart on one of my resolutions already! (Is it cheating to start early? Don't know. Who cares.)

Work goal: Take more breaks (Don't worry, I work super hard, so this is deserved!)

The other day Lulu took her first dance class (squee!) so I had my camera in my car. Not wanting to leave my most expensive possession in the car I brought it inside to my cubicle.

Later in the afternoon I took a break and starting taking some pics of my work space:

I even stepped outside to take pictures of my nails. Pretty nice, ?:

I think some co-workers saw me and probably think I'm a little weird. If going outside of an office to stand in some January sun snapping photos of my awesome new nail polish is weird then, yes. I am weird.

Taking 10 minutes out of my workday to do something creative really made me feel good... I think the sunshine helped, too. Let's keep this on the permanent to-do list, ok?

So I'm off to complete my birthday list and provide a blow-by-blow of my progress. Some of the items on there will be fun, educational, WEIRD but most definitely creative. I can't wait!