I'll take that baby to go

Just when you cross one milestone with your child and you start thinking there will be less stuff to lug around, think again. I've posted before about the contents of my diaper bag and I really think I could have done a post every three months since Lucy was born and there would have been an evolution, but sadly not a reduction. When the thought pops in my head to go to dinner, run to the store or spend the day at the park, immediately my mental checklist goes into effect and I start conducting a thorough inventory of what I need to pack.

Since I've already written about my diaper bag, let's talk about the lunch bag and what else needs to come along for the ride (because who really gets out of the house with just a diaper bag, honestly).

Regardless of if we are going some place that will have food, I still always pack food. There's nothing worse than getting stuck at a slow restaurant or at a time when your little darling decides that the last thing in the world they want to do is eat unfamiliar food.

Here's a few easy ideas for snack packing ideas that come in handy for me:

1. Tinydiner Placemat: This rubber placemat unrolls and suctions to the table. It also has a little lip in the front to catch food before it hits the floor. I love this thing! Many times a plate or bowl isn't an option, so this is a nice alternative to putting food on a questionable surface. It also makes me feel like I'm making less of a mess in a restaurant.

2. Applesauce: Quick, easy and healthy. My favorite is Trader Joe's Big & Chunky.

3. Crackers & Humus: Lucy is going through a "dip" phase. Usually she just licks up the ketchup, ranch, mustard, what-have-you and leaves the actually food on the plate. Pretty gross. I don't feel bad about her eating humus by the cracker-full and she REALLY likes it! Her favorite crackers are multigrain and we usually stick to the plain humus.

4. Snack Trap: Whoever invented these, good job. So easy to toss into the backseat or to whip out of my purse. Filled with treats like Annie's Cheddar Bunnies, sliced grapes or edamame, this little guy is a must-have. I've just ordered an upgrade to this one.

5. Water: Always on-hand, always crucial! I got this bottle at Whole Foods. I like that I can buy replacement straws right there instead of feeling like I need to toss the whole thing out. It's also spill-proof and BPA free, so bonus for everyone.

6. Yogurt: This is also a current obsession. Easy to toss in a bag in a hurry, healthy and simple.

7. Spare Spoon: You never know when restaurant silverware will be too big to handle (or when you might need to bust out that yogurt).

8. Cereal bars: We like these Earth's Best ones. They are nice and soft, easy to chew, and they taste great!

Pictured above, I've been using a little storage container to pack snacks and meals that I picked up at Babies "R" Us. It's OK. It only has three compartments and it on the small side. I've ordered one of these, which I'm really excited about:

It's pretty pricey, but the amount of use I know I will get out of it will make up for it. I love that it has a bunch of compartments. As many Moms know, certain food just CANNOT touch each other (according to our kids) so this solves that problem by letting you pack more of a variety of foods. And, as you can also see here, it makes for some pretty great picture-taking as well! When it arrives and I give it a thorough test run, I'll post an update and let you know how I like it.

Besides everything above, our go-to snacks include:

  • Sliced fruit
  • Steamed veggies
  • String cheese
  • Cereal
  • Quesadillas
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Bread and butter slices

What snacks do your kids like?

What tips do you have for a mom on the go?

xo Becky