My Month as Martha: Part 15

February 19th

What Martha did:


  • Prune and shape fruit trees

I’m having a pretty stressful time at work at the moment. I have to say blogging (mostly) every day for this project has been very therapeutic.

In My Month as Martha: Part 4, I used Martha’s knife sharpening as an analogy to snap my brain back into shape. Albeit a small and silly exercise, Martha helped me find calm that day.

Today I lean on the ever-knowing Martha to help me think about “pruning my trees.”

From Martha’s blog on the 11th:

If you grow apple or pear trees, you most likely understand the importance of annual training and pruning. Without training and pruning, these fruit trees will not develop a proper shape and form. And, when trained and pruned correctly, the trees have a much better chance of producing a higher yield of fruit and also live longer lives. Once an apple or pear tree is planted, this training and pruning will help to develop a strong tree framework to support the fruit it bears. When pruning does not take place, these fruit trees grow tall, upright branches that can break when the fruit forms.

If you have a brain, you most likely understand the importance of maintenance. Without it, your mind will not develop a proper shape and form. And, when trained, the brain has a much better chance of producing a higher yield of good thoughts - and also live a longer life! As soon as you begin to develop, training will help to develop a strong framework to support the fruit it bears. When this does not take place, you may grow, but you will be weak.

Today’s lesson gleaned from Martha is that I need to take care of myself. A tree might look pretty, but if you want it to last and be fruitful, sometimes you have to hack off some of the branches.


Staring up at the trees I remember to...



H O L D  O N

Thank you, Martha.

xo Becky

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