My Month as Martha: Part 8

The Weekend
What Martha did:
  • Saturday: Go on a hike with the dogs
  • Sunday: Knit mittens
What I did:
I didn’t post anything for Friday the 8th because Martha took the day off. THE DAY OFF! Lazy.
As for the weekend - I’ve gotten WAY off track here. I failed again and did not follow her schedule – but I was busy!
We went to a princess party where we met Ariel and Lucy got her face painted.
I made egg-in-a-hole for Lucy (which she didn't eat).
I got to hang out with a bunch of my friends. The highlight was when I got this AH-mazing belated birthday present from my bestie, Nicole, a custom portrait by Yasmine Surovec of Cat vs. Human.
So, I had a good weekend, despite not knitting or hiking. I say Martha gets a point for the mittens, but I get a point for meeting a mermaid.
Score so far? I'd say it's a draw. Martha gets one point for all the exercise she's been doing, one for sharpening her ninja swords and knitting mittens. I get one for going to the grocery store instead of freezing my butt of planting vegetables, one for making valentines, and one for the mermaid meeting.
Watch out Martha, I'm in it to win it so this week things are gonna get REAL.
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xo Becky