My Month as Martha: Part 4

Click here to read about "My Month as Martha" February 4th

What Martha did:

  • Sharpen knives, scissors and garden tools
  • See trainer

What I did:

I like this one because picturing Martha surrounded by sharp objects, wildly grinding them against her sharpening stone, evokes a pretty amazing picture.

According to Chef’s Choice:

"A sharp knife is safer than a dull knife. A dull knife can slip off food and cut the user. The excessive force needed to make a dull knife cut causes the user to lose control, i.e. the knife can 'break out' of the material being cut and cause injury. A sharp knife requires little force, so it's easier to control and cuts where intended. The user is more likely to treat a sharp knife carefully."

Today I choose to sharpen my mental knives.

A sharp mind is safer than a dull mind. A dull mind can make you freak out. The excessive force needed to make a dull mind actually think causes you to lose control, i.e. the mind can 'break out' of your skull and cause injury. A sharp mind requires little force, so it's easier to control and works as intended. You are more likely to treat a sharp mind carefully.

After reading up on some brain exercises, I did the following this past week:

  1. I took a new route to work. This simple change of taking a different side street changed my normally rote state of driving.
  2. I ate my lunch with my left hand. This brought a heightened awareness to what I was doing and made me appreciate the food a lot more in the process.
  3. I tried something new. Lucy and I made chicken tenders from the Weelicious Cookbook.
  4. I did my nails in the car. You might argue this was more of a physical challenge than a mental one, but it was a challenge nonetheless. Sally Hansen Salon Effects remain my #1 fave and these french tips have me smitten:SAMSUNG

My brain feels good. Ready for a new day. Ready for what antics Martha might get me into soon...

Follow more of "My Month as Martha" here:

xo Becky