
I am thankful for so many things, most notably those I love and who love me back:  My new niece, born less than 2 weeks ago (squee!), my amazing husband and beautiful daughter, my parents brothers and sister, my friends and my cats.

As I gear up for this holiday season I want to stay thankful... and sane.

I have slacked off the last few weeks writing as I try to find focus and remind myself of my purpose. Having a creative outlet is so very important and it's something I haven't allowed myself enough of. I guess that's maybe why I've been obsessively painting my nails!

Seriously, try it. I feel so happy after doing something like this:

My trick this year is to to share pictures and ideas of things that I do around the house for christmas. This is also the inevitable time of resolutions and cleaning frenzies, so let's get ready for some organization, too y'all.

Crafts, cleaning, decorating, celebrating, eating... all to come. Let me know what catches your interest as I carry on trying to figure out this whole blogging business. Your feedback and comments so far have been really helpful - thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving!