2014: Week 2

This week 52 of You began, a year-long self portraiture course with an amazing group of female photographers. I took a similar, shorter course last year and loved it. I'm especially excited that this community includes my sister! 11812433764_c8a53b8d36_b

It was "cold" by Bay Area standards this week , but winter still has yet to really show his face.


Lucy was sick this week--Scarlet Fever (which sounds CRAZY, but was nothing more than a rash for her and a nasty cough). One cool thing was that I ran into my best friend from junior high working reception at Urgent Care. Small, wonderful world...


The big event of the week was Dave's band, On Telegraph, had a show on Friday. I tried really hard to get some pictures but it was pretty much the darkest club I've ever been in, so that didn't really happen. They sounded great, though and it was a super fun night.

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The SECOND big event of the week was Dave's birthday. Lucy and I surprised Dave with a scavenger hunt to find all his prezzies. I got so carried away watching them have fun that I forgot to take any pictures to document the adventure. Later that night we went to one of our favorite restaurants, La Bodeguita del Medio, a Cuban place over in Palo Alto (PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: If you live in the Bay Area GO THERE). I wanted to take lots of pictures of the night, but again it was too dark :(

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Over the weekend we visited Happy Hollow with friends and fed some goats.

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Lucy burned some rubber.

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We met this guy.

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Hope you had a great week, too!

